Resumen Ejecutivo: Informe del Grupo de Trabajo Estatal de California Acerca de la Educación Especial

Resumen Ejecutivo: Informe del Grupo de Trabajo Estatal de California Acerca de la Educación Especial

Recientemente, un comité de educación especial de California desarrolló recomendaciones para el sistema de educación especial de nuestro estado.

Study Casts Doubt On Rising Autism Rates

Study Casts Doubt On Rising Autism Rates
In the largest study of its kind, a Swedish group has determined that actual autism rates probably have not changed in recent years, even though diagnoses of autism cases continue to climb.

California Court Rules Kids can be Taken from Good Parents

California Court Rules Kids can be Taken from Good Parents

...a child with a mental diagnosis, that has significant behavior issues that have yet to be managed can be removed, including permanently, from parental custody...

Pediatric Feeding Research at Sacramento State

Pediatric Feeding Research at Sacramento State

If your child is a picky eater and refuses to eat the food you serve, call to find out if he or she may benefit from participating in a clinical research study at California State University, Sacramento.